Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Noise in the house

I'm a folk girl.  I consider myself to have a diverse musical palette, and some would go so far as to call me a snob.  But boy, do I love folk.  It's my go to genre.  In an effort to avoid listening to any Ryan Adams through the winter (Sorry Ryan, but you can quickly become a daily dose of S.A.D.),  I became obsessed with two albums I think deserve big nods:

The Fresh and Onlys, Play It Strange

Brief synopsis of the first:  Do you like Guided by Voices and The Byrds?  Then this album is a huge duh. Play It Strange, with it's garage pop and anthemic undertones, sounds best behind closed, thin walls so you can hear every echo and throw your body around, but it makes me want to pack up une bebe and tell Matthew to take the week off work so we can road trip it to San Fran with the windows down.  It all sounds effortlessly cool, somewhat familiar and just plain clever.  Tim Cohen has that aloof voice that makes you want to really listen to what he's saying, and what he's saying is deceptive and playful.  So, listen to it, and "tell me what are you fascinated by?" Oh, and this album came out last year, so expect their new E.P. soon!

The Head and the Heart, The Head and the Heart

I can name five albums that I can listen to over and over again, and the songs still hold the same sentiment each time.  I feel the same twinges and tingles from start to finish.  My reactions never morph into nostalgia for the times when those albums were most prominent in my life because they remain prominent in my life.  I have a feeling this album will make number six.  The funny thing is, it's just so listenable.  I challenge you to not like this band.  There just isn't a bad song--and I'm always looking for the weakest link.  Matthew and I can't quit blasting it everywhere we go.  This is an album about creating, destroying, maintaining--the everyday of most artists.  And the message is clear: "Don't follow your head; follow your heart."  So, I'll save the five album game for another day; but I'll tell you what I feel during each song on this album:
1. We're broke...it sucks but sometimes it's funny
2. I'm mourning my youth.
3. It'll all be over one day.  And that's ok.
4. I want simplicity.
5. I'm sorry.
6. I make things too complicated.
7. I'm not ready to move on.
8. I'm ready to move on.  Thank you.
9. We're broke...it sucks, but what we're doing is beautiful.

Al Salam.